Saturday, February 25, 2012

Designing Aggregations

I have a fairly large partition (100M rows, 30 measures) and am attempting to create aggregations through the Aggregation Design Wizard. Regardless of the option I select, either percent or file size, the wizard always completes after designing only about 50 aggregtions for 0% and only 200kb. I cannot believe that to be right. On a much smaller partition I created about 600 aggregations to 30% for 2GB.

I've double checked to ensure I have all of my dimension attribute relationships defined.

Any ideas why I cannot get the large partition to build the aggregations or why it completes after building about 50? I have plenty of disk space and and cube processing time is not an issue, so I would like to create up to 25-30GB of aggregations.


Have you established your attribute relationships?

WIthout them the system does not know that natural hierarchies may be available and by default it only creates aggregations along natural hierarchies.

_-_-_ Dave


Thanks Dave, but I have established the attribute relationships. What confuses me is that the wizard shows that it will create about 250 aggregations, 0%, 125kb. I use the option to manually stop the aggregation design (but never do. I let if finish on its own) and it always comes out roughly the same.

When I process the partition I can see that the aggregations are being created. When I look in the file system I see a bunch of .tmp files being created (e.g. AggMerge_5800_54_8s64d_28.tmp), all of them for about 1.5GB. I eventually run out of space on the drive and the processing fails.

All together these .tmp files take about 150GB. The source database is only about 200GB.

Any thoughts? Ideas? The aggregation design wizard tells me the aggregations will take up about 125kb, but the .tmp files tell me something different.

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