Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Detecting Carriage Returns in a column

Can anyone provide me with some SQL that will identify rows from a table where a varchar column named "Notes" contain Carriage Returns?

I know that with report writer SQR I can translate CR's to white space but I do not know of any Sybase function that will allow me to do the same, any ideas on this well would be appreciated.For Microsoft SQL Server, I'd use CharIndex. For Sybase, it would depend on which of the Sybase servers you are using. Different Sybase engines have different string handling syntaxes.

-PatP|||Thanks Pat. One other dumb question is how is a Carriage Return represented in SQL? char[13]?? THanks again for your help, I used to know this but I'm a little rusty.|||That depends on what you mean by a carriage return. ;)

The problem is complex, because different operating systems store the "line end" marker differently, and because different SQL implementations have different ways of dealing with character expressions.

In Microsoft SQL Server, you represent a lone carriage return character asChar(13)...but, based on your previous question I think you really want to find a "line end" instead of a carriage return character. If you want to find a "line end" as used in Microsoft SQL Server, then you want:Char(13) + Char(10)


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