Thursday, March 22, 2012

Detecting if merge agent is running

Hi There,
I was wondering if there is a way of determining programatically if the
merge agent is running? If it is running is there a way of stopping it and
restarting it?
you'd be better off posting this in the VB.NET group, but something like
this should do the trick:
Dim localAll As Process() = Process.GetProcesses()
iterate through this array to find the merge.exe process then use
myproc.kill() to remove it.
Paul Ibison (MVP)
(recommended sql server 2000 replication book:
|||try this if you are using c#: (you'll need to add the SQLMERGXLib.dll,
REPLERRXLib.dll, SQLINITXLib.dll references)
using System;
using SQLMERGXLib ;
using REPLERRXLib ;
using SQLINITXLib ;
namespace SQLReplicationManager
/// <summary>
/// Class to handle merge replication initation and termination
/// </summary>
public class ReplicationHandler
private SQLMerge _sqlMerge ;
private SQLReplError _replErr ;
public event _SQLMergeEvents_StatusEventHandler StatusEvent ;
private string _PUBLISHER = "SomePublisher" ;
private string _PUBLISHER_DATABASE = "SomePublishedDatabase" ;
private string _PUBLISHER_LOGIN_NAME = "TestName" ;
private string _PUBLISHER_PASSWORD = "Password" ;
private string _SUBSCRIBER_LOGIN_NAME = "SubscriberLoginName" ;
private string _SUBSCRIBER_PASSWORD = "SubscriberPassword" ;
private string _DISTRIBUTOR_LOGIN_NAME = "DistributorLoginName" ;
private string _DISTRIBUTOR_PASSWORD = "DistributorPassword" ;
private string _DISTRIBUTOR_SERVER_NAME = "DistributionServer"
private string _MERGE_PUBLICATION_NAME = "SomeMergePublicationName" ;
private string _SUBSCRIBER_NAME = "SubscribingMachineName" ;
//System.Dns.GetHostName() for local machine
private string _SUBSCRIBER_DATABASE = "SubscribingDatabaseName" ;
public ReplicationHandler()
Initialise() ;
private void Initialise()
_sqlMerge = new SQLMergeClass() ;
_replErr = new SQLReplErrorClass() ;
_sqlMerge.Status += new
_SQLMergeEvents_StatusEventHandler(_sqlMerge_Statu s);
_sqlMerge.Publisher = _PUBLISHER;
_sqlMerge.PublisherDatabase = _PUBLISHER_DATABASE ;
_sqlMerge.PublisherSecurityMode =
_sqlMerge.PublisherLogin = _PUBLISHER_LOGIN_NAME ;
_sqlMerge.PublisherPassword = _PUBLISHER_PASSWORD ;
_sqlMerge.Subscriber = _SUBSCRIBER_NAME ;
_sqlMerge.SubscriberDatabase = _SUBSCRIBER_DATABASE ;
_sqlMerge.SubscriberSecurityMode =
_sqlMerge.SubscriptionType = SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE.PULL ;
_sqlMerge.SubscriberLogin = _SUBSCRIBER_LOGIN_NAME ;
_sqlMerge.SubscriberPassword = _SUBSCRIBER_PASSWORD ;
_sqlMerge.DistributorLogin = _DISTRIBUTOR_LOGIN_NAME ;
_sqlMerge.DistributorPassword = _DISTRIBUTOR_PASSWORD ;
_sqlMerge.Distributor = _DISTRIBUTOR_SERVER_NAME;
private SQLMERGXLib.STATUS_RETURN_CODE _sqlMerge_Status(string Message,
int Percent)
StatusEvent(Message, Percent) ;
public void SynchroniseMergeData()
_sqlMerge.Publication = _MERGE_PUBLICATION_NAME ;
_sqlMerge.Initialize() ;
_sqlMerge.Run() ;
_sqlMerge.Terminate() ;
catch(Exception exp)
if(_sqlMerge.ErrorRecords.Count > 0)
string errors = "" ;
foreach(SQLMERGXLib.ISQLReplError err in _sqlMerge.ErrorRecords)
errors += err.Description + "\n" ;
if(err.ErrorNumber == 21036)
throw new AgentRunningException("Merge agent is already
running.\n") ;
if(err.ErrorNumber == 20084 || err.ErrorNumber == 17)
throw new System.Exception("Can not connect to server.\nPlease
check network connection") ;
throw new System.Exception("The following errors occured:\n" + errors
+ "\n" + "The following system exception occured:\n" + exp.Message) ;
throw new System.Exception(exp.Message) ;
// do something usefull ?
private SQLINITXLib.STATUS_RETURN_CODE _sqlSnapshot_Status(string
Message, int Percent)
StatusEvent(Message, Percent) ;
public class AgentRunningException : System.ApplicationException
public AgentRunningException(string message) : base(message)
|||I use the merge control as you showed it here but always when I want to
access the ErrorRecords property to loop through the errors (in a foreach as
you did) I get an exception that says that the cast is invalid.
I tried to cast to everything (SQLReplError, ISQLReplError,
SQLReplErrorClass - in REPLERRXLib and SQLMERGXLib) - nothing worked for me.
(casting to a SQLReplErrorClass always works but accessing a property of the
object results in an exception that says that QueryInterface for
REPLERRXLib.ISQLReplError did not work)
"ranjeet" wrote:

> try this if you are using c#: (you'll need to add the SQLMERGXLib.dll,
> REPLERRXLib.dll, SQLINITXLib.dll references)
> using System;
> using SQLMERGXLib ;
> using REPLERRXLib ;
> using SQLINITXLib ;
> namespace SQLReplicationManager
> {
> /// <summary>
> /// Class to handle merge replication initation and termination
> /// </summary>
> public class ReplicationHandler
> {
> private SQLMerge _sqlMerge ;
> private SQLReplError _replErr ;
> public event _SQLMergeEvents_StatusEventHandler StatusEvent ;
> private string _PUBLISHER = "SomePublisher" ;
> private string _PUBLISHER_DATABASE = "SomePublishedDatabase" ;
> private string _PUBLISHER_LOGIN_NAME = "TestName" ;
> private string _PUBLISHER_PASSWORD = "Password" ;
> private string _SUBSCRIBER_LOGIN_NAME = "SubscriberLoginName" ;
> private string _SUBSCRIBER_PASSWORD = "SubscriberPassword" ;
> private string _DISTRIBUTOR_LOGIN_NAME = "DistributorLoginName" ;
> private string _DISTRIBUTOR_PASSWORD = "DistributorPassword" ;
> private string _DISTRIBUTOR_SERVER_NAME = "DistributionServer"
> private string _MERGE_PUBLICATION_NAME = "SomeMergePublicationName" ;
> private string _SUBSCRIBER_NAME = "SubscribingMachineName" ;
> //System.Dns.GetHostName() for local machine
> private string _SUBSCRIBER_DATABASE = "SubscribingDatabaseName" ;
> public ReplicationHandler()
> {
> Initialise() ;
> }
> private void Initialise()
> {
> _sqlMerge = new SQLMergeClass() ;
> _replErr = new SQLReplErrorClass() ;
> _sqlMerge.Status += new
> _SQLMergeEvents_StatusEventHandler(_sqlMerge_Statu s);
> _sqlMerge.Publisher = _PUBLISHER;
> _sqlMerge.PublisherDatabase = _PUBLISHER_DATABASE ;
> _sqlMerge.PublisherSecurityMode =
> _sqlMerge.PublisherLogin = _PUBLISHER_LOGIN_NAME ;
> _sqlMerge.PublisherPassword = _PUBLISHER_PASSWORD ;
> _sqlMerge.Subscriber = _SUBSCRIBER_NAME ;
> _sqlMerge.SubscriberDatabase = _SUBSCRIBER_DATABASE ;
> _sqlMerge.SubscriberSecurityMode =
> _sqlMerge.SubscriptionType = SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE.PULL ;
> _sqlMerge.SubscriberLogin = _SUBSCRIBER_LOGIN_NAME ;
> _sqlMerge.SubscriberPassword = _SUBSCRIBER_PASSWORD ;
> _sqlMerge.DistributorLogin = _DISTRIBUTOR_LOGIN_NAME ;
> _sqlMerge.DistributorPassword = _DISTRIBUTOR_PASSWORD ;
> _sqlMerge.Distributor = _DISTRIBUTOR_SERVER_NAME;
> }
> private SQLMERGXLib.STATUS_RETURN_CODE _sqlMerge_Status(string Message,
> int Percent)
> {
> StatusEvent(Message, Percent) ;
> }
> public void SynchroniseMergeData()
> {
> try
> {
> _sqlMerge.Publication = _MERGE_PUBLICATION_NAME ;
> _sqlMerge.Initialize() ;
> _sqlMerge.Run() ;
> _sqlMerge.Terminate() ;
> }
> catch(Exception exp)
> {
> if(_sqlMerge.ErrorRecords.Count > 0)
> {
> string errors = "" ;
> foreach(SQLMERGXLib.ISQLReplError err in _sqlMerge.ErrorRecords)
> {
> errors += err.Description + "\n" ;
> if(err.ErrorNumber == 21036)
> {
> throw new AgentRunningException("Merge agent is already
> running.\n") ;
> }
> if(err.ErrorNumber == 20084 || err.ErrorNumber == 17)
> {
> throw new System.Exception("Can not connect to server.\nPlease
> check network connection") ;
> }
> }
> throw new System.Exception("The following errors occured:\n" + errors
> + "\n" + "The following system exception occured:\n" + exp.Message) ;
> }
> else
> {
> throw new System.Exception(exp.Message) ;
> }
> }
> finally
> {
> // do something usefull ?
> }
> }
> private SQLINITXLib.STATUS_RETURN_CODE _sqlSnapshot_Status(string
> Message, int Percent)
> {
> StatusEvent(Message, Percent) ;
> }
> }
> public class AgentRunningException : System.ApplicationException
> {
> public AgentRunningException(string message) : base(message)
> {
> }
> }
> }

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